"Recent Bird Sightings"

Observed, Identified and photographed birds February 2025 newest sightings in the Brownsville Valley

Brownsville Valley woodlands, waterways, ponds, fields, tidal 
Digiscoping is afocal photography, using a digital camera to record distant images through the eyepiece of an optical telescope. The term digiscoping was coined in 1999 by French birdwatcher Alain Fossé. The origins of the activity called Digiscoping has been attributed to the photographic method of Laurence Poh, a birdwatcher from the Malaysian Nature Society, also the method I use for all the gallery photo images and film created and shared here. Visit again.
Nature Planet Gallery
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Least Grebe sunrise feeding  50-yartds
Nature Planet digiscoping photo adult Great Egret sunrise feeding begins 150-yartds
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Breeding Adult Great Egret male wispy feathers 50-yartds
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Breeding Adult Great Egret male wispy feathers 50-yartds
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Juvenile and adult White Ibis 50-yartds
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Anhinga female and male breeding plumage male quill head feathers. 100 yards
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Brown Pelican focus composition sunrise 150 yards
Nature Planet digiscoping photo young Night Heron sunrise shadows
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Least Grebe preening
Nature Planet digiscoping photo White-throated Kingbird flycatcher
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Belted Kingfisher 100 yards
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Snowy Egret roosting twilight 100 yards
Nature Planet - Least Grebe male
Nature Planet - Eastern Phoebe
Nature Planet - Great Egret with breeding plumages
nature Planet - Christmas sunrise shoreline birds
Nature Planet - Brown Pelicans
Nature Planet - Neotropic Cormorants
Nature Planet - Harris Hawk with 2-bandings
Nature Planet - Clay-colored Thrush - rare sighting
Nature Planet - Boat-tailed Grackle
Nature Planet digiscoping photo American Kestrel Falcom 100 yards
nature Planet - Green Kingfisher - male
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Black-necked Stilt mid-summer 30-yards
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Green Heron camouflaged nest with 2-chicks
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Green Heron camouflaged nest with 2-chicks
Nature Planet - White Ibis
Nature Planet - perched Osprey
Nature Planet digiscoping photo Anhinga from 150 yards
Nature Planet - Long-billed Dowitchers
Nature Planet - Anhinga wing drying behavior
Nature Planet - Boat-tailed Grackle
Nature Planet - Great Kiskadee
Nature Planet - Little Blue Heron adult plumage color
Nature Planet - Little Blue Heron fledgeling
Nature Planet - Little Blue Heron juvenile
Nature Planet - Roseate Spoonbills
Nature Planet - Great Egret roosting

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